Manufacturing Locations

Worldwide sourcing, production & logistics

location's world map

Our factories are the beating heart of IPL. They are where technology, people, and passion come together to produce impeccably-crafted packaging.

We’re pedantic about working only with top-tier factories that meet our ethical, social, and technical standards. We’ve got IPL employees permanently present on the factory floor to oversee and monitor every step of production. With 25 years of experience in the industry, we’ve developed close, trusting relationships with some of the best suppliers in the world.

With factories on three continents, you can choose the production site that suits you best. And, we’re always looking to add to our manufacturing sites to give you even more regional production options.

Impeccably-crafted packaging
IPL manufacturing sites

Our factory standards

To achieve the prized status of an approved IPL production facility, a factory must pass 7 rigorous audits. All factories undergo regular data-based reviews every few months to make sure they’re maintaining our minimum quality levels.

Our factory selection audit criteria include:

  • Social compliance
  • Infrastructure levels
  • Quality management
  • Market Credibility
  • Purchasing management
  • Technical support
  • Production management
IPL Packaging production facility
IPL Packaging production with global locations

Innovative. Sustainable. Cost-competitive.

We do it all.

Find out what packaging we can
create for you

Shipping & logistics

Get your goods on time. Always.

With sourcing and manufacturing locations across the globe, our shipping and logistics team skillfully plan and oversee delivery. We estimate all shipping costs before delivery and keep you updated on a regular basis as your product travels to its final destination.

Shipping & logistics
sourcing and manufacturing

Bring us your vision.

We’ve got the people, processes & facilities to craft your dream packaging.